All You Need To Know About Consigning in Tarrytown!

All You Need To Know About Consigning in Nyack!

DO NOT COME OUTSIDE OF THE POSTED WALK-IN DATES/TIME FRAMES. THEY ARE POSTED BELOW. All consignors check in with a staff member upon arrival and are seen as quickly as possible on a first come first serve basis. We will generally take your items to our consignment processing room and once we have looked through we will call you back to show you what we are accepting. All items we can not accept are returned to you at this time.


1. DO NOT bring more than 15 items including shoes, bags, scarves and jewelry.

——— If you are a NEW CONSIGNOR: please note that in 2023 there will be a $10 new consignor fee that will be reimbursed in store credit. Additionally, we must accept at least 3 items to start an account with you, so you must BRING AT LEAST 5-15 excellent items for us to consider. Reach out by phone if you have questions about what that means. 

2. Clean and odor-free SEASONAL items only. A good question to ask yourself when choosing what to bring is, “would I be excited to see this in a shop?” Primarily consider an items condition and quality, as style is subjective and trends are always changing. Scroll down to the yellow box for examples of what kinds of items we are looking for this season, and below that for some tips on what to avoid bringing.

3. Remove all hangers and dry cleaner bags and fold your items neatly in bags or a bin (see image below for an example of what we mean). Seasonally appropriate leather and suede pieces can be brought in on hangers to reduce damaging creases

4. Limit ONE visit per consignor per month, per location. You may not bring an additional 15 items for anyone else.

5. Prepare to wait if there is anyone ahead of you (don't forget to pay the parking meter). We need you to be present when we look through your items, so if you'd like to step out you must let us know and return by the time we specify or you forfeit your place in the queue.

——— If you leave your items unattended and do not return BEFORE THE WALK-IN WINDOW HAS ENDED, you effectively are donating your items to us.

6. MAKE SURE YOU NOTED THE CORRECT DATE, TIME AND LOCATION! If you come at the wrong time, on the wrong day or to the wrong location, we will not review your items. We can not make exceptions for anyone for any reason. This is part of our volume control efforts and the policy is firm.

7. If you are new, please make sure you know our consignment policy before you bring your things in! Read it on our website under the POLICY tab

8. Yes, we take both vintage and modern items, as long as they're stylish and good quality. If you would like to learn more about how to choose what to bring to maximize your chances of having items selected for consignment, please visit the shop before you come to consign and have a look around, or check our Instagram @consigntrilogy.nyack


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